Wanshui Gan

I am a 3rd year PhD student at the Sugiyama-Yokoya-Ishida Lab at the University of Tokyo, Department of Complexity Science and Engineering, advised by Prof. Naoto YOKOYA. I am also the Junior Research Associate of the Geoinformatics Team at the RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP).

Prior to that, I received the B.S. degree from the Guangdong University of Technology, China, in 2018 and the M.S. degree from the University of Macau, China, in 2021. My research interest lies in 3D vision, large scene parsing, and reconstruction. You are welcomed to contact me by email if you are interested in my work or potential collaboration.

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  • 2022-04 --> Present: RIKEN AIP as Junior Research Associate, Topic: NeRF, 3D occupancy estimation.
  • 2024-02 --> 2024-04: Cyberagent AI Lab as Research Intern, Topic: 4D Gaussian splatting.
  • 2021-04 --> 2021-07: Tencent AI Lab as Research Intern, Topic: Facial landmark detection.
  • 2020-06 --> 2022-02: Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT), as Visiting Student, Topic: 6D pose estimation, Stereo Matching, NeRF.
  • Selected Publications

    * indicates equal contribution

    dise GaussianOcc: Fully Self-supervised and Efficient 3D Occupancy Estimation with Gaussian Splatting
    Wanshui Gan*, Fang Liu*, Hongbin Xu, Ningkai Mo, Naoto Yokoya
    [Project] [Code] [arXiv]

    We introduce GaussianOcc, a systematic method that investigates the two usages of Gaussian splatting for fully self-supervised and efficient 3D occupancy estimation in surround views. The proposed GaussianOcc method enables fully self-supervised (no ground truth pose) 3D occupancy estimation in competitive performance with low computational cost (2.7 times faster in training and 5 times faster in rendering).

    dise A Comprehensive Framework for 3D Occupancy Estimation in Autonomous Driving
    Wanshui Gan, Ningkai Mo, Hongbin Xu, Naoto Yokoya
    IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2024
    [Paper] [Code] [arXiv]

    We introduce a comprehensive framework for surrounding-view 3D occupancy estimation, 3D reconstruction and depth estimation via volume rendering, featuring network design, loss design, and evaluation metric based on discrete point level sampling.

    dise V4d: Voxel for 4d novel view synthesis
    Wanshui Gan, Hongbin Xu, Yi Huang, Shifeng Chen, Naoto Yokoya
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2023
    [Paper] [Code] [arXiv]

    We propose the method V4D, a simple yet effective and efficient framework, for 4D novel view synthesis with the 3D voxel, which directly models the 4D neural radiance field without the need for canonical space.

    dise ES6D: A Computation Efficient and Symmetry-Aware 6D Pose Regression Framework
    Ningkai Mo*, Wanshui Gan*, Naoto Yokoya, Shifeng Chen
    IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (CVPR), 2022
    [Paper] [Code] [arXiv]

    We introduce a novel 6D pose estimation framework, ES6D, based on the XYZNet and A(M)GPD loss. The XYZNet is designed for feature extraction from RGB-D data. It has a fully convolutional architecture and achieves an excellent trade-off between efficiency and effectiveness. Additionally, the A(M)GPD loss is proposed to handle symmetric objects, and performs better than ADD(S) loss.

    dise Light-weight network for real-time adaptive stereo depth estimation
    Wanshui Gan, Pak Kin Wong, Guokuan Yu, Rongchen Zhao, Chi Man Vong
    Neurocomputing, 2021
    [Paper] [Code]

    We propose a novel light-weight adaptive network (LWANet) for real-time stereo depth estimation, achieving competitive performance compared with MADNet and StereoNet, and it has the advantages of low computational cost and low GPU memory space.

    Honors and Awards

  • The First Prize in Formula Student China (FSAE 2017)
  • TIER IV Student scholarship (2022, 2023)
  • Academic Services

  • Conference Reviewer: CVPR
  • Journal Reviewer: IEEE TVCG, IEEE TIV, IEEE TCSVT

  • Website Template

    © Wanshui | Last updated: June 21, 2024